Select neuron from my computer  Allen Cell Types  HBP Model Catalog
Model instance:
Load neuron:
View the neuron in the context of an atlas
Set the colors for soma, axons, dendrites etc.
Set the camera position and orientation
No morphology loaded.
Supported file formats: SWC, neurolucida-ASC, neurolucida-XML or neurolucida-DAT/NRX.
Use the above button to select a neuron, or try one of the samples:
Loading: 1


Welcome to the HBP Neuron Morphology Viewer. With this tool you can

1. Load a neuron morphology in the viewer

2. View, edit and spatially register the neuron

3. Save the neuron as an image or morphology file

Terms of use

The viewer is created by Rembrandt Bakker, Radboud University Nijmegen & Jülich Research Institute, 2016-2019.
If you use the morphology viewer for your research, then cite the morphology viewer publication in your publications. A manuscript is in preparation, the current citation is the following CNS abstract:
Bakker R, García-Amado M, Evangelio M, Clascá F, Tiesinga P (2017) "P271 Workflow, data format and tools to register neuron morphologies to a reference brain atlas."


The viewer was developed with funding from the Human Brain Project Neuroinformatics Platform and FLAG-ERA project FIIND.

A helpful resourse in parsing Neurolucida DAT files was: Neuronland.
Inspiration also came from these other WebGL-based morphology viewers:


If you have a particular neuron that doesn't load well, please send us (a link to) it.
If the tool does not work on a particular browser/operating system, but that combination does support x3dom (check), then check if you have any javascript errors and send us the error.
You are also welcome to submit bugs and send feature requests.
Additional functionality may be available at the development release of the viewer.

Development release only below this line

Feature requests


This section is to test experimental scripts. Clicking the buttons may result in an unstable state of the viewer.
Overwrite colors with one color per tissue-section