*Redundant information in SWC files* Every point in an SWC file has a TypeID. This is often redundant, because in a tree, all points have the same type. HMV only uses the TypeID of the first point in a segment, all other TypeIDs are ignored. A segment is defined as a connected set of points where only the last point may have multiple children (i.e. be a branch point). In some variants of SWC, branch points and end points of a tree are explicitly labeled as separate structures. HMV ignores these labels, but since it detects branch points automatically based on the number of child segments, it is still compatible with said variants of SWC. Because branch points and end points are not structures, and can be automatically detected by counting the number of children of a point, SWC+ internally replaces structures 5 and 6 by the StructureID of the point's parent.
that have certain quirks that do not fit the SCW specification. It can import SWC files with SampleIDs in any order. Other software may require positive increasing integer indices, and therefore the HMV exports SampleIDs with increasing integer indices starting at 1. The HMV can import SWC files with parents defined later in the file. Other software may require parents to be defined before any children, and this is how HMV exports SWC files.