Multiple sources of Neurons

The NeuronsReunited project is all about merging neurons from multiple sources into a unified analysis framework, where the focus is on mouse neurons with fully reconstructed axonal projections, registered to the Allen Common Coordinate Framework version 3. Besides the neurons that are being contributed by our experimental partners, we have identified three public sources of high quality reconstructions, many of which are long range projection neurons:

  1. The Mouselight database, at
  2. The Braintell database, at Brain Image Library.
  3. The Han et al. (2018) database, at

Interactive Viewer

Based on services provided by the SBA Composer, we provide a unified viewer which displays the soma locations of all neurons in each of the featured databases. There are two options to view the morphologies themselves:

  1. Click on one of the displayed soma locations.
  2. Use the search field on the main page to select neurons by name.

Go to the NeuronsReunited Viewer.